Monday, February 06, 2012

Yee Haw Cowgirls!!

Yee Haw!
Today at MDO was a visit from Cowboy Kevin and the girls were able to wear their "5 gallon hat" and handkerchiefs to celebrate his visit!  I'm not quite sure how Laney knows the term 5 gallon hat, maybe her Daddy? But the girls certainly fought over who got to wear it!
 Thus, they took turns wearing the hat.

The girls were both excited to go to school, not a rarity, but they aren't usually all smiles at 8 am.

I really love how Laney is holding onto Landry in this picture. Sweet girls.

Since school, we've been playing with Jesse and Woody from Toy Story and riding Rody. Living the Cowgirl Dream!

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