Saturday, February 04, 2012

Love, Love, Love

We took a few family pictures for Valentine's Day. Love them. I kept thinking, mostly, how happy I am with a family of four. I'm guessing because this is what we have been blessed with and being thankful for where we are.

Four. It's a solid number--probably my favorite actually--and we aren't outnumbered. We have two girls;  which I always knew I wanted to have sisters. This doesn't rule out having a 3rd child by any means. Or, if it were just up to me, having four children.

 I suppose that I am just content with where our family is and it feels complete with these two little children. I feel absolutely blessed, more and more as time marches on, to be their mother.

Thank you Brandi Sutherland for beautiful (and fast!) pictures. You are an amazing photographer and I enjoy every session we've had and look forward to more!

Laney is a little poser for pictures; a natural I suppose. She just lights up in front of the camera and acts very silly with her hands on her hips and batting her eyelashes. But this picture captures the essence, and shyness that actually does exist, of Laney.

Landry doesn't know about the camera yet.  Unless, she is with her older sister and Momma is behind the lense. But she always feel safer with Daddy.

I keep getting told that she looks like him.  Is it true?

Landry. I adore this picture! The uncertainty of the camera and the captivation of her blue eyes staring back.  

Happy Valentine's cards will soon await!  

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