Thursday, March 01, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Landry! CHOO CHOO!


Landry's 2nd Birthday at Texas Transportation Museum included all that she loves--choo choo trains, cake, and cookies! The party for Landry was just what I imagined it to be. She kept saying choo choo and cake over again as she had been for a few weeks.

I truly enjoy planning these parties for my little ones and can't wait for the next birthday!

Here are the pictures from my camera and I will receive Morgan's soon!


 The party seemed to center around bright colors and choo choo trains! Before the party I took a few pictures of the birthday girl and Laney holding hands. Matching too of course!

Some of the decor....
The conductors....

The rainbow cake. I know it looks simple. I suppose it is compared to a lot of cakes. But this one took a whole lot of precious time. Patience and time and love.

 Laney showing her heart locket that she got the day Landry was born. What a special necklace because of an extra special day!

Some of the guests! So many of Landry's little buddies made it to the party, all the grandparents, and it was truly such a happy day!
 We toured one of the old trains that has been redone and updated to take us back through time and traveling on trains.

Then we took our very own train ride! We had a few problems but I don't think the kids could tell nor minded.

Then we sang Happy Birthday to the sweet little two year old!

 Anxious me seeing if my rainbow cake turned out!

Elated that it did!

Landry Anne, Let's Celebrate You. My beautiful baby girl. Happy Birthday to you and your two years of life! I adore you through and through! The crinkle in your nose, your defiance and no's, the sweet patting of your hand on my cheek and linking my arm. I want to always remember you at two and the happiness you bring. We love you Landry Anne!

1 comment:

Emily Suzanne said...

She is such a doll! I love that last picture :)