Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Vday AM and PM

Good Morning and Happy Valentine's Day!

Note: All of the sugar that you see in the picture below is from Aunt Lesley. She wanted to be sure I didn't pass it off as my own!

The coloring paper, book, Lady and the Tramp, Skittles, and Hello Kitty nail polish is from Momma.

We actually don't have any pictures from the PM in the day.

But we do have some big news!

 We put an offer in on a house in San Antonio and it was accepted! After 32 years we are making the home owning decision. It is due, this I know, but we are still nervous and excited with buyers remorse and . So, our Valentine's Day present goes without saying, and might be unromantic to some of you, but I get a bay window, a walk in closet, a laundry room, and to paint my front door red all in Alamo Heights ISD.

More to come as I'm sure I'll have lots of post on this in the near future!

1 comment:

Emily Suzanne said...

I'm so excited for you, Laura!