Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Weekend (Begins)

To preface, I am going to break this up into a couple of posts. Somehow over Easter weekend I took 533 pictures. I get a little bit excited when the Berg's get together and then this year we added the Harcar Clan to the mix!

Thursday April 5
The weekend began with a visit from Lesley and Susan. Can she be my 2nd mother-in-law? She is just precious and we love the Harcar family! The visit began with their arrival and Easter Baskets from the Easter Bunny's Chicks. Yes! Just like Santa's Elvs (who knew?!) the EB has baby chicks that delivered baskets to Aunt Lesley. She then passed them along, with a million calories and 444 grams of sugar, along to my children. Whom, we have recently learned, are cavity prone. Anyway, they loved their baskets and Sarris bunnies and flip flops from the Harcars. We love Sarris. Thank you for thinking of our girls!!!!

Then we had an Easter egg hunt in Manchke Park. I 100% forgot my camera and to capture all of the precious children hunting cascarones. Thank you sister for sending yours. This took a few minutes, then they all broke their eggs. We didn't make it home with one single cascarone as we cracked them all!

Then we had dinner at Paloma Blanca. The Harcar boys were on their way in and Susan wasn't feeling well, so it was just the few of us but still fun times.
Notice, Laney not cooperating but smiling; Landry thumb in mouth.

Laney trying to escape from the picture, Landry thumb in mouth.

No one is ready, finally Landry smiles! Just the way pictures for us go!

Friday April 6

We woke up early and had our La Jara run, there will not be another with sister while living in this house. Then got ready to show the Harcar's a little bit of SA. We went downtown to see the Alamo and then to have lunch on the Riverwalk at La Gloria. The girls seemed to color the whole time and give us a little break.
The Alamo and downtown was first....

Then we headed over to La Gloria.

We left for Fredericksburg around 3:30. We were pretty far off our estimated departure time thanks to showing off our new casa, Anthropologie, and ice.

We made it to the hill country and went to Lincoln Street Winery or Cafe. It was a wine and cheese bar we attended before having supper at The Cotton Gin.

Landry and manners. We have some work to do.

The Harcar brothers

We made it to the Cotton Gin in Fredericksburg for supper with the Harcar's, the Berg's, and the Crowell's met us too. It was awesome and I'm certain our waiter was ready for us to leave. But I had my Fredericksburg Mint Julep; it was delicious and in a fun silver grail type cup!
 How happy Bumpaw was to have Landry come and sit in his lap. She really adores her Bumpaw!
 We have lots more pictures. I actually didn't take my camera to the restaurant but I will update from Bumpaw's camera soon. What a fun evening we had with family.

To be continued.....

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