Thursday, April 26, 2012


Easter morning, and the reminder that He has Risen, this year was extra special!!!! We had Landry baptized, and although we are a little late in the game, the service was beautiful and we had all of our family present. It was a very memorable and special morning for our family. Laney was very excited for the baptism and such a sweet spirit.

All of the children came to sit at the front of the church.

Alright, it was a little difficult to drop Landry down towards the baptismal fountain but she did wonderfully for a two year old!

 Lesley and Andy Harcar are the Godparents for both of our girls.

Something I will never forget that happened during the service. Before offering, Matthew gave Laney our money to put in the plate. Well, Pastor Mark came over to tell all of us and her "Peace in Him" and she immediately handed him the money. It was hysterical and we all kept laughing and he had to take a moment to calm himself too.

It is the unpredictability of life that keeps us smiling because sometimes it simply knocks us down.

After church the girls were running all over. I could not get a decent picture in their Easter dresses sitting still but I loved the color of them!

Back at the ranch playing with their watering cans from the Easter bunny.

I really love these moments where the pictures tell it all. Little toot toot Landry!

Sweet Andy with Laney. She truly adores him and the rest of the Harcar boys.

The crew of kids before the Harcar's headed back to Pittsburgh. At least it seems that way to me, but I  know we are supposed to all be adults. It was a lot of fun and I was sad when the weekend ended.

What a blessed Easter to have the Harcar's with us,  have the Crowell's open their home to everyone,  to have such precious children to remind me of life's joy, and another memory that we will all treasure.

A very special day indeed!


Jennifer said...

The girls' Easter dresses were gorgeous!!! xoxo Jen Vieiro

Jennifer said...

The girls' Easter dresses were gorgeous!!! xoxo Jen Vieiro