Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Break Down in the Burb

The break down in the burn was quite literally just that. On our way to Dallas the majority of the trip was fairly uneventful. Just the usual,  Mom traveling with three small children on her own during one of the busiest holidays. No biggie. What was I thinking? Just that I'd make it to Dallas easy peasy and get to see my seester and the rest of the family. I love my independence and driving out of town I suppose. M was finishing up for the billable year and we'd pick him up at the airport.

Not the way I'd planned it in my mind though. Never is actually but that's neither here nor there.

About 30 minutes outside of Dallas the traction control light comes on. I don't really know what that means (like I still don't) and the car seemed to be driving fine. After calling Lesley and Matthew, both tell me to "keep on going", I felt pretty sure this was a minor deal and I'd have it looked at in SA. Well, come 35, the tollway and about 10 minutes from Lesley's house all shiste hits the fan. The car starts driving funny, there is a scratching/scraping/crunching noise somewhere where I think the engine should be, and I have three children in the back seat fighting over movies.

I got to my exit off of Northwest Highway and ended up at a Methodist church parking lot. I could not have made it any further. I felt like I was on a roller coaster! I am nervous typing this remembering but really the suburban didn't feel safe to drive anymore and it was a judgement call. A good one I might add as Uncle Rob and Aunt Susan came to the rescue and agreed it wasn't drivable, called a tow truck, and sent me with Aunt Susan's suburban. The Morgan's were life savers and I'm so thankful to call them family.

Best part of the day was when I saw these two drive up. I don't know where I'd be in this life without Lesley and Landon.

Girls were happy to see them too! 

 Another trooper! First long road trip. Not a success but she was great!
 Made it back to Lesley's. Home sweet home. Kind of. And Lesley with her girls.

Now onto celebrate Thanksgiving and time with family.......

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