Friday, June 13, 2014

The Zoo

We have really had a busy kick off to Summer 2014! Today we went to the zoo. It's been a few years for us. Seriously, and I am not usually a zoo lover but today was a memorable and fun visit! Probably because we went with our besties, Reagan and Reese!

Sweet Landry in the butterfly garden. Love the butterfly on her bootie! 

The girls were all looking at the maps. Hilarious that we had three little navigators. 

This picture just cracks me up. 
Landry was not sure about the carousel. 
Leyton fell asleep early into the trip. 
Poor Reesey. She bit the dust and hurt her lip before this picture. So all the big girls cried too. 

I loved this baby flamingo💗. 
Oh and I practiced French braiding today,  still a ways to go. But the girls love do guess all that matters. 

And I love that the zoo has Go Spurs Go! Everywhere is rooting for the Spurs. 

I love San Antonio. I never knew we'd be so happy here. 

Happy Summer☀️! 

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