Wednesday, June 02, 2010

In L.O.V.E.

This Landry of mine has captivated me in an entirely new way that I did not know existed. Yes, I've always heard you love all of your children, in different ways but the same amount, etc. I don't know if I really believed in that magic that happened or just didn't understand how I would love another so much. For me, the difference stems from knowing Laney and Landry in different stages of their young lives, there is a "newness" in what they both do and different stories to cherish. Landry is a completely different baby than Laney and I adore her uniqueness.

She knows her name and her startling blue eyes peeking up at me when I say it bring such joy. Landry just talks to us too with her squeaks and range of baby pitches. I love our conversations and her gaze, intent concentration to what I'm saying, and serious responses. Something Landry does that I think is adorable is she always pulls her dress up or her clothes up to her mouth. Her shared smiles with everyone are addicting and I want more and more!

The daily reminders that Landry has a steadfast hold onto my heart strings is a blessing. It's proof and true that you can be in love with two (or more!) at the same time.

My Girls, precious together.


Nominate someone or something in need said...

i know isnt it amazing how much love God puts in you your heart...all three of ours are COMPLETELY different and it is amazing:)love reading your post b/c kyleigh and landry are so close together...wish we were closer so they could be buds:)))

Emily Suzanne said...

She is just TOOO adorable! beautiful girls!

Sarah said...

I totally love the new pictures - it's amazing to see Miss Landry and her sweet face. I can't believe how fast she is growing. Both your girls are BEAUTIFUL!!! :)