Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Rehearsal Dinner: A Blessed Mystery

A rehearsal dinner. Time to prepare for the big day, what's to come, and enjoy the intimate company of two families that are essentially becoming one. What a relaxed, at ease group that the Harcar's, Berg's, and extended family were. As I write this, I recall the hecticness of the day and making it by 5:00 pm to the chapel; which didn't happen but everything still seemed to just flow and happiness was all around.

The two love birds. Seriously. They were adorable. I saw Andy nervous for probably the first time. Lesley simply adores him.

We were talking about something important. Not really. But you would think I was the one trying to make the executive decision on something. Trying. Shocking.

Lining Up...

The Precious Harcar's--Jim and Susan. What amazing In Laws that my sister now has. I can't say enough how much I love this family! I want to be the surrogate Daughter in Law!

Let's practice now....walking down, etc. Here was the part I was most nervous about all weekend....getting Landry to walk down the aisle.

Well she made it. It was not the plan to have her stand with me but she saw me and as I suspected "Momma, Momma!"

I haven't mentioned yet the hero that Matthew was over the weekend. He truly was a helper with the girl's, running errands for Lesley, and helping his parents get settled. I definetely give him the hardest time but he came through and I am glad he is mine!

The reason for this picture below, well the bridesmaids, but check out Johnny and Landry. He is dragging her up the stairs and she is just cool as a cucumber. Those Crowell girls--they sure did great over the entire weekend. As much as I fret and worry, I couldn't be more proud that they are mine.

My Daddy--just practicing giving away his baby girl. He had a hard time this weekend but always does so great in situations like these. He's always been quite the public speaker.

Handsome brothers.

Laney was quite excited to be one of the flower girls. She even carried the faux bouquet. Landry carried Mrs. Harcar's purse.

Lanes with her Uncle Landon. We miss that Texas Boy and Lauren! But I am excited to visit them soon!

Well, time is near here in the picture below and almost all of us are married now. Where did the time go? I remember us as children playing kick the can, coloring on walls, driving all over town to soccer games, and screaming at each other across the house. I couldn't love my siblings more and cherish the memories.

The Harcar's and Berg's

The rehearsal dinner was near the Stockyards at Cooper's Bar B Q. Yum. SA cannot do bar b q. I love Abilene's the very best but Cooper's is also one of my favs!

During the rehearsal there was a slide show of the days gone by. I remembered Lesley as the snaggle toothed, freckled face little girl in the pictures. My baby sister all grown up; I could not be more proud of her.

Andy's father, Jim, gave the perfect toast. In a nutshell, how love is a blessed mystery. How true that is. There are days and weeks where I can't figure it out and moments where I just know. How sweet the mystery is.

Landon and Larro being all Texan!

Trying to get a picture with Lauren but M and Landry in too and thought was cuter with all of us!

Smarty  Pants! All the little P.A.'s and Lesley's dear friends.

Laney has a crush on Andy; clearly. I love her little smirk.

Everyone grubbing down!

The rehearsal dinner kind of just flew by with good company and more memories made. With a big day  ahead we enjoyed the evening!

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