Sunday, October 02, 2011

Laney’s Birthday Book from School

On Laney’s birthday we were sent home with a picture of Laney and a book of colorful drawings from her classmates. They included the reasons they like her….
Here is her class all lined up at school and then their pics of each precious child below what they wrote about Lanes.
Max: I like Laney because she is pretty.  Margaret: I like Laney because she is fun to play with.

Ivory: I like Laney because she listens to me and plays with me.

Trent: I like Laney because we are friends.

Britton: I like Laney because she plays teacups.

Belle: I like Laney because I like her necklace.

Lucile: I like Laney because she is my friend.


1 comment:

Lesley said...

oh my Laney, she looks so happy!!