Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Thunder Pictures

Laney's little soccer team through the YMCA is called Thunder. They are too stinking cute running around and I have lots more pictures of my

The other day at practice they had team pictures. This was past Thursday when the cold front blew in. Okay cold front for San Antonio. The weather had been around 78 all day long and suddenly was in the 50's. Well, of course I had dressed for work appropriate to the weather man's prediction but my children at soccer practice; not so much.

Laney was still happy as she was wearing another Mom's jacket to keep warm.

Can you tell her lips are a little blue? These just make me laugh looking at them again. Laney was so cold and a trooper trying to smile with chattering lips.

Good Enough. I think they are still adorable and can't wait to see what pictures the photographer captured.

1 comment:

Emily Suzanne said...

Ohh! I think little kids in soccer uniforms are adorable! Laney is precious!