Friday, February 03, 2012

Cooper Cougars Reunion

This last weekend we had a girls weekend reunion in the Big D with a chunk of my high school friends. Let's just say that a group of 8 girls hasn't really changed that much! Add husbands (some even high school sweethearts!), a few kids, different cities, careers (SAHMs and worker bees), a couple of margaritas or martinis, and deep down you've got the same girls you had 15 years ago in West Texas. It's just what I love about this group; some things just never change while life keeps on keeping on. Despite the different personalities, hobbies, and even attire we all love each other and our own special quirks. And I hope that remains a constant over the next 15 years!

I flew in on Friday afternoon and the weekend began. Since a weekend away from children is a rarity, the trip for me began with a glass of wine on Southwest--classy.

LeighAnn picked me and Andrea up from the airport and we headed to the Hilton Anatole. The fun began and the girls trickled in. Soon enough we were on our way to Mattito's Mexican food. Being from SA I was a harsh critic but Salvador made the night interesting and so did the cute little Tri Delts eating inside while we froze!

From Left to Right:

Brittney, Molly, Thompson, Sarah, Laura, Andrea, LeighAnn, and Mav

Then we headed to bed fairly early Friday night but not before taking another picture!

Then a few of us got up and exercised! I say this in the most literal way, we ran around the hotel on floor 2. And we did a boot camp led by Andrea! Please don't forget the night before the escalators we climbed the wrong direction in  heels. That was a workout just getting to our room! Geez.
Then most of us headed to Romi's for mani's and pedi's. The best baby butt pedicure ever, I just don't have a place in SA that I love like this!

We got our shopping done at North Park at H&M, Forever 21, and bought a precious pair of shoes at Steve Madden on sale for a dress at Anthro I ended up not liking. Go figure. But the shoes now must find a dress!
Andrea and I had lunch at Neiman's; I just love the popovers too much to miss having them on a visit since LaCantera is out of the bubble!

Cramming onto a couch at Anthro after looking at a bunch of high school pics that we were tagged in on facebook. We looked so, so young. Tear.

Molly, Molly--so precious and hysterical as always!
I didn't expect to laugh so hard (or spend so much)! In retrospect I totally should have. There are some conversations that I am praying don't live room 329 in the Hilton Anatole! Ha!
Wardrobe malfunction. My zipper on my dress broke about halfway down! Good Times. We could not get it off of me and had to safety pin me up. Did I still wear the dress--um yes---do you know me?! I wore my jacket to cover it up. Now I just need to find a seamstress here to rip out the old zipper.

We made it to Palomino's and enjoyed these lavendar martinis....

...and phone stacking that might have lasted for ten minutes.

We enjoyed more visiting, food, and time with old friends.

Andrea and I headed out to Hotel ZaZa for some more social time and a couple more drinks and dancing on the pool!

Good bye for now Big D! Enjoyed seeing all of you ladies and Cooper Cougars! Remember 50 is the new 30!  Thanks for all the pictures Brittney and a very sweet post!

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