Thursday, February 02, 2012

Instagram in January

Besides being the best app ever--I find myself using this as my camera as of late. Here are some pictures of the girls and what we've been up to the last couple of weeks in case you aren't one of my followers!

Laney is enjoying ballet! She gets into a zone when we are there and really enjoys herself. Landry loves going to "balleh" too. She says it quite adorably so I'm sure she will love ballet too. As soon as I wrote that I realized it probably isn't true--she might like to dress up like a ballerina but probably might do something a little more aggressive!

Night night girls! Watching a movie on the weekend.

We baked cookies and Landry thought the entire plate was for her! Hence the tears. Sweet baby girl.
 Helping me wash the dishes after having company.

Painting outside...
Dressing up like ballerinas and playing with Princesses--girls, girls,girls! Love them!

Laney's pretty face that she makes!
 Riding with Rody!

Some of our activities in the kitchen! We made Teddy Bear Sundaes, Monkey Bread, and Chicken and dumplings as of late. Since I am not a cooking Mom--trying harder now that I am at home---since I have like 5 go to meals I have to branch out on ideas!

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