Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Spring is here and all we've done lately is play outside!!!!! And I have not been quite as liberal with the sunscreen as I should be. But I do have the constant reminder in my ear telling me at all times. Sigh. I am just lucky to be putting sunscreen or a band aid on Landry's scar and on the girls faces. I will be better in the summer! Tangent. I should be packing boxes but the weather has been lovely.

Okay, spring is here and green and my absolute favorite time of year with the time change! Except for getting my children up. Pros: If I want to go run in the evenings, I can! If I want to pretend it's 7 pm at 9 pm, it's feasible! And having happy  hour on Friday nights on porches and patios, the best! Cons: Children and getting out of bed!

I realized a couple of weekends ago, when the bluebonnets barely came out in the hill country, that spring was arriving! And I am pumped about Easter weekend and bluebonnet pictures with all of our family; the Crowell's, Berg's, and Harcar's!!!! I'm really hoping they last until then but regardless it will be green! Last year it was not quite the picture of spring.

On Ranch Road 2323

Anyway, we have been outside a lot and enjoying this season.

St Patrick's Day I took the girl's down to the riverwalk downtown. I wanted them to see it green! Braving downtown without Matthew was kind of a big deal with two children and all. I probably won't do it again.

Laney loves cracking cascarones on her own head!

Landry doesn't quite understand the concept yet but kept peeling open the eggs.

And I keep forgetting to post pics of my wreath that literally took 5 minutes! I am so proud of it too because I used the pom poms from Landry's birthday and recycled them. The ribbon cost me $10 and I already had the wreath.  I'm thinking mine will be different from most since I am crazy pom pom lady with parties! I can't wait for the wreath to go on the new door.

We have gone to Cambridge almost every day! Here are some pics we took with the Sharpe girls and Adair!

We love our purple flower sandals from Target. And that we are back in sandals and out of boots! At least for today.

 How tall my Laney is getting to be!

Oh sweet Anna! I am so thankful that you are a #2 child that acts like my Landry! You are a stinker and I love it!

And I am so glad to have Sara Sharpe and excited that we both have girls and both sets will be in the same grade at Woodridge Elementary!

Anna, Laney, Sarita, Adair, Landry

This week we also spent time in our backyard that we will certainly miss!

Little feet and toes because they grow so fast. Too fast.

Landry making her pretty face. Reminded me to put on a band aid!
It isn't often I lay down in the grass and look up at the sky. We had a snack picnic and did this, watched the clouds roll by....

Landry being sweet and napping in Momma's lap.

Watching AHISD play baseball and the McDonough boys. Precious. I remember Southern in Abilene. The McDonough boys Connor, Jamie, and Robert consecutively #2, #3, and #4.

 I am going to miss living on Normandy. I realize how much I love this area. I hope to find new running routes, playgrounds, neighbors I see on the street, and grow into our new space! But for now I'm going to enjoy where we are and each day of Spring!

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