Sunday, March 18, 2012

Shutters! Backsplash! Mirrors! Oh My!

 I finally got to see the shutters that were added while I was out of town! I really like the dimension they add and the color black seems to go nicely. We have a long way to go with landscaping but this will come in time.

It was a nice surprise to see that our backsplash was finished in the kitchen!
We definitely started with issues here as we were initially going to do tumbled marble. But we were never excited about our choices and kept going back to the first house that we saw finished on Devonshire.  We loved that kitchen and I think because of the backsplash. They had used subway tile and we really liked the clean, classic look. Luckily, we were able to do an off white, oatmeal color that matched our granite. I think it turned out perfect and am so glad we've had a say in this!

The stained concrete that looks a lot like Central Market. We are going to have to get some huge rugs!

The recessed mirrors and medicine cabinets from Pottery Barn that M had to have went in.

Front porch and light that was just added. I am trying to decide how I feel about the light.

The girls were sitting in the corner on demand. Laney was not happy while Landry was actually compliant. In fact, Laney kept trying to get Landry in trouble by telling her to follow us and leave the corner. Um, I remember doing stuff like this as the eldest sister. Naughty!

Did I mention that I am excited to have a paved alley?! The girls can ride bikes back here and roller skate! I haven't had an alley in years, much less a paved one. It's probably pathetic to be this excited about a minor detail yet I am.

1 comment:

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

Laura. Love your choices. Subway tile is so sleek looking! I love it and I would have chosen it too. :) we had stained concrete all over in our first house. I loved it. Rugs USA online has some amazing rugs for incredible deals if you sign up for their emails. I just got a huge, round, chevron one for $49 free shipping. You just have to watch for their crazy sales.
The light on in the front is very vintage! I love it!