Friday, March 16, 2012


The house is coming along and a work in progress. I've taken pictures sporadically and it is quite surreal to watch the process. I never knew that this would be our story and having a say in the small stuff has been quite nice. It has been educational and enjoyable seeing a house unfold, update, change, and develop into a home. Our home.

The cabinetry and counter tops were put in here below a week or so ago. We were still picking out the back splash which turned out awesome! Pictures to come.

 My favorite touch was the bay window (thank you Morgan!) and this extra storage and seating area. The ceiling fans were recently added.

Those happy little faces that are getting to know where we will soon be living. I think they  understand as Mommy drives by every. single. day. to check on the progress.

 I had to add this picture of Laney being silly with her glasses.  Someday we can look back and remember when.

My favorite window looking out front to the little porch. I hope we extend or make it bigger, I just love porches.

The recessed medicine cabinets that Matthew had to have! The small battles that he will win so I can win some later. But I must mention that the carrera marble in our bathroom looks lovely with the gray paint.

The details are coming along nicely and we have enjoyed the process. Soon enough we will be living in this updated space that we will turn into our home.

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