Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring Break 2012

Happy Spring Break 2012!!!!

For Spring Break this year we decided to do some road tripping across Texas. I wanted the girls to have a lot of fun doing things we don't usually get to do. And it is nice having my Momma to help with the adventures as well! We had a great week and I am ready for school to start back up as I've worn us all out!
We started off going to Abilene to see Mickey and Bumpaw. The plan was to take a trip to the zoo and go to Chuck E. Cheese.
And Larry taught Landry all about magnets and how they worked. He had gotten the girls a few goodies from his trip to NAPE.

The zoo in Abilene is a pretty good zoo for the size of the town. It has been some time since I've visited and was glad that we did.

And it was a pretty crowded day as it was Spring Break in Abilene too! And I must mention, every single place we go in Abilene my mom still sees her students! "Mrs. Berg, Mrs. Berg!" they just love her!

We saw the flamingos and I learned about how they turned pink from what they would eat--a lot of shrimp and beta carotene! They are born white and gradually change.

The sweet giraffes looked as if they were hugging with their necks.

 The giraffe tried to get Landry's snack so she kept calling him "mean".

Laney and the map. Well, I am learning that she enjoys navigating and looking at maps. This is something I love to do on road trips and reviewing them when able. And I have found my daughter loves to navigate too!

We went on to see the lions, monkeys, zebras, etc.

I think something was wrong with the ostrich's neck!? It was the only one present.

Chuck E. Cheese, we survived. The one in Abilene was much better than SA and in that I mean less chaotic and crowded.

Then onto Dallas we went. We got to see Lesley and Andy when we arrived and had Zoe's for dinner. Look at how much my girls adore Andy! Sweet, sweet Uncle.

This trip to the metroplex was revolving around going to Six Flags over Texas! We always went with my grandparents when I was little and I have fond memories. Thus, we decided to take the girls over the break.
I know the layout still although a lot has changed over the years. I still remember going and making my Paw Paw, who is now 89, ride rollercoasters with me! I had no clue how hard that must have been on him.

We took the girls on the carousel. Laney picked out her horse.
Landry and I sat down on a bench.

Then we headed to the choo choo train that Landry had been talking about all morning. It took us around the park.

 Again, I found my little navigator leading the way!

We rode the cave ride and then the antique cars too! Laney got to drive. She really did great believing she was responsible for all of us. She was nervous too. At one point we went over a bridge and she was afraid she'd get us in the water.

What a wonderful time we had! It ended with funnel cake and ice creams!

Both of the girls were worn out for the drive home. Landry passed out hard a couple minutes into the drive back to Paw Paw's.

The week was wonderful and flew by! A well needed break!

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