Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Hunt

We had a treasure hunt with our friends for St. Patrick's Day and it was such a creative idea! Sweet Sally had the Crowell's and Stoltz's kids over for a tradition that she has been doing with her family every year. What a great idea! The kids really LOVED it!

Sally painted and glittered several clovers on Laney's arm--in purple of course!

 Lining up the clue hunting crew! 

The girls in their "rainbow" dresses as this is what they were searching for.....the pot at the end of the rainbow....

We tried to get everyone in the pictures but it was difficult with 7 little kiddos!

So here is one of the clues held up below. Sally would take pictures in the house and the girls would know where to go. Ava and Presley had to help out and direct where to go in the house. But all the children took turns finding the clues on the clovers.

Almost done....

The last clue....I think Sally did about ten! The kids were up and down the stairs, all over the house, then in the back yard.
Following the trail of rainbows...

They found the pot of prizes!!!!

Sweet Sally had prizes for all of the children and it was an adorable idea!

Did I mention Matthew came and watched to?! Before he left town he came to see his girls.

What a fun afternoon we had searching for clues and finding prizes and all for St. Patty's Day!  Thank you Sally!

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